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Anastasi Family Syndicate

Fatal Love: Discrete Edition

Fatal Love: Discrete Edition

Book Three

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Grab this morally grey mafia romance if you like...
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Nothing will stand in my way—not even the devil himself—when it comes to claiming what's rightfully mine.

The fiery passion I feel for them ignites every part of me. I never imagined both Riley and Michael would brand themselves into my soul so deeply.

Riley is the danger I should avoid.
Michael is the one I crave but can never fully have.
Together, we’re a combination that defies logic, but the irresistible pull between us can’t be denied.

When the monster stalking my family delivers an unexpected blow and shatters the fragile foundation we've started to build. In the aftermath, chaos reigns, and no one will escape the destruction unleashed by a single, fateful decision.

A decision that could cost me everything.

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐"Fatal Love takes the Anastasi family drama to a whole new level! This third installment is an explosive mix of passion, betrayal, and heart-stopping suspense." Carrie Locke, Reviewer


Chapter Three: Antonio

I stared down at the water bubbling up from the wooden floorboards. A pipe had burst, creating the monsoon of water pouring out. Diego called panicked since this was outside his wheelhouse of expertise and called me when the catastrophe happened. As soon as I got here, I began tearing up the floor after sending Diego to the hardware store for some supplies. I glanced at my watch, praying Mia wouldn’t get home anytime soon.
The last thing I needed was her catching me here—if she did, my entire plan would be fucked. Having unfiltered access to her house had given me a bird’s eye view to her outside of her working career. From what I’d learned, Mia lived a normal life—except for the dirty past Michael dug up a few months ago.


Even thinking about him made my chest tighten. His words rang in my ears like thunder on repeat— When you’re ready to admit how you feel, call me.

I wanted to tell him he was right, that I wanted him more than my next breath, but how could I do that when I couldn’t even admit it to myself or to my family? I closed my eyes as I drove the wedge into the floor. My grandfather had known the real me and accepted it without hesitation. He argued that I was wrong about how the family would react, but I couldn’t bear their rejection if he was wrong.

The only other person I’d confided in was Madison—my brother, Massimo’s fiancée. I was thrilled when Madison came into his life, but even more grateful to have her in mine. She got me on levels no one else did, a lot like my grandfather had. They were alike in the sense she wanted me to be honest with everyone and let them in, but fear paralyzed me like prey caught in a predator’s sights.

“Um? What the fuck are you doing here?” The tapping of a shoe and the slurred words jerked me from my thoughts.

The hammer slipped from my hand, slamming down on the hand palm flattened against the plank of wood.

“Shit.” Glancing up, my eyes connected with none other than Mia Hill.

Despite the venomous glare, Mia Hill was sex on a stick. Her narrowed eyes and the way she folded her arms across her chest only made her sexier. Her hair was pulled back into a sleek ponytail, showing off the perfect apple shape of her face and her sexy as fuck neck—a neck that led down to perfect curves.

“You had a pipe burst,” I explained, swallowing the nerves this woman created. “I’m trying to tear up the floor to seal it off. Otherwise, you’re going to be swimming tonight.” I turned and continued working. The grunt of disapproval made me look back at her. “What?”

Her eyes blinked as she pursed her lips. “How the hell did you get into my house? I’ve never seen you here. In fact,” She tossed her purse on the counter. “Where’s Diego. I’m calling him.”

“I’m on the crew doing your remodel. And Diego went to buy something to fix this mess. He’ll be back in a few...”
“What the fuck are you talking about?” She closed her eyes and wavered on her feet, clearly drunk. “And why is there water everywhere?”

She threw her hands up in the air and stormed past me. Mia wasn’t paying attention and as soon as her heel hit the slick hardwoods not ripped up, her body slipped, throwing her off balance. I dropped the hammer again and lunged forward, catching her in my arms.

“Um.” Diego cleared his throat. “I got the materials we need.” He was staring at me with a look of fear. I mean, fuck, I was holding the woman who had the power to destroy my entire family.

“It’s fine, Diego. You can go—I’ll take care of this.”
He furrowed his brows in confusion. “You sure that’s a good idea?”

It was probably not a good idea, but I nodded anyway. “Yeah. I’m going to just help her out and we’ll tackle this mess in the morning.”

Diego gave me one last look, then turned and stormed out of the room. I glanced down at the woman still clutching to my shirt, “You okay?”

Her eyes were wide in shock. “No. I’m not.” She blinked, her eyes crinkling with laughter that erupted as if she was a deranged person. “I just about made out with…”
She jerked her body from my grasp and pushed herself to her feet. “It doesn’t matter. I’ve had a bit too much to drink and probably shouldn’t have driven myself home. But I did. And guess what? I don’t give a fuck. I think the gods are trying to tell me something.” She stared at me a moment. “You’re really hot.”

After the shock of her words wore off, I realized she didn’t recognize me—an obvious side effect of the alcohol seeping out of her pores.

“Wait. You drove home drunk?” Looking at her more closely, I realized she was nearly three sheets to the wind and could barely stand. I didn’t know how the hell she made it home without killing herself. She could barely make out the dangers in the kitchen—and I didn’t just mean the wet floor.

“Yep.” She cocked an eyebrow. “You gonna call the cops? No.” Mia braced her hand on the counter and pointed at me. “Don’t answer that. I don’t care. I am so over this fucking town.”

I watched in shock as she pulled a bottle of whiskey from the cabinet, uncapped it, and pressed it to her lips. My cock hardened as I watched her suck down the amber liquid without so much as a flinch.

“When they asked me to come down here from New York, I didn’t know I was going to be plopped right into the middle of some pissing contest. They hate the Anastasi family so much, they’re willing to lie about someone’s guilt to bring them down.”

“Who hates who?” I knew exactly what she said but wanted to see what else she’d say. The alcohol was making her super lax about what she was sharing, something I knew she wouldn’t do had she been sober. But this was the opening I needed to get her to slip up and say something that could help Riley’s case.

“The FBI, the DA’s office, hell, everyone that isn’t on their payroll. They have a fucking hard-on for them and want to make an example out of…oh, never mind.” She waved her hand through the air before grabbing the bottle again. My eyes were riveted to her mouth as she wrapped her lips around the bottle and took another pull of its contents.

“The thing is… I don’t think the suspect is guilty. At least not how their trying to make her. Tonight, when I asked for an extension on the trial, it was because I don’t have enough evidence to put her away.”

I leaned against the kitchen table, listening as she kept rambling on. Somehow, she’d become the leaky pipe, and I wanted to caulk her—but not to stop the noise coming out of her mouth.

“I left New York because I felt empty. I was a badass there. Did you know that?”

“Can’t say that I did.” I shifted uncomfortably, trying to casually adjust my hard-on so she couldn’t see.

“My boss basically told me if I don’t put her behind bars, my career is done. And you know what?” She drank again, the bottle half empty now. She had downed half a bottle of whiskey in under fifteen minutes. “I don’t fucking care.” She slung the bottle around dramatically, splashing some of the liquor on her hand. “I want a life. I want to feel loved. Do you know how long it’s been since I’ve had sex?” Her expression became serious as she turned her gaze to me. “Months… Pathetic, right?”

Stepping forward, I grabbed the whiskey from her and dropped it into the sink. “Hey, I think you should go lay down. You’ve clearly had a long day, and I don’t want you to say something you’ll regret in the morning when you remember this moment.”

Mia pressed her palms to her head and groaned. “The only thing I regret is not fucking the hot man I just left.”

“All right, gorgeous.” I wrapped my fingers around her arm. “Let me help you to your bed, then I’ll finish here and lock up.” Something about seeing her so vulnerable had me regretting my motives for being in her house. “Let’s get you to your bed… you need to sleep this off.” It was clear she was torn about the case, but pressure from the district attorney and the FBI had her scrambling to put Riley away.

“My life is so fucked up.” She shook her head and turned toward me. “You think I’m gorgeous?” She pressed her palm against my chest, the smell of whiskey on her breath. “You’re fucking hot.”

The T-shirt I was wearing was still wet from the broken pipe, making it stick to me like a second skin. Her fingernails scraped across the front of my shirt, spurring the already hardening of my dick into overdrive. I’d seen photos of her that made my mind picture her in ways I shouldn’t but having her this close and personal was like a real life fantasy come true.

“Thanks…” I mumbled, navigating the two of us up the stairs.

She jerked to a stop and leaned back. Her eyes narrowed as if she was trying to focus them better. “I don’t even know your name. How is it I don’t know you?”

“My name isn’t important right now. Getting you into bed is.” Relieved that her drunkenness was protecting my identity, I wasn’t about to give her my name.

“I want to forget about everything.” She sighed and half-walked, half-stumbled toward her bedroom door.

Pausing with her hand braced against the wall, she turned to look back at me. “Can you help me?”

Assuming she meant help with the door, I moved around her and fisted the doorknob. “Here you—” The sudden impact of her body against mine cut off what I was going to say. Mia rubbed her breasts against me as her fingers fisted the clingy material covering my skin. “Whoa… Mia. What are you doing?” I could feel the heat of her core against my thigh, despite the material separating us.

“I need something good to happen…and this—” Her hand slid down my front and cupped my crotch. “Feels like it would be pretty good.”

My eyes drifted shut at the glorious sensation of her fingers squeezing me. “God… Mia—” I growled her name, taking slow measured breaths I grabbed her hand and stilled her movement. “Look… as much as I’d enjoy this, you don’t know me, and you’re drunk.” My dick, against my silent plea to stand down, was threatening to bust my zipper.

“I don’t think he got the memo.” She licked her lips and squeezed again. “I’m drunk and asking you… no telling you to fuck me. I’m sure a guy like you has had a one-night stand before. So, man up and do me a solid… let me see that cock.”

She pinched the zipper between her fingers and slowly lowered the metal barrier. I froze, my body begging me to stay… my brain screaming for me to run. When her fingers brushed against the smooth skin of my shaft, my jaw clenched.

“I should go.”

All rational thoughts flew out the window when her fingers wrapped around my cock, and she pulled me free. “You sure?” Mia’s hand moved along the exposed length. The soft giggle she emitted reminded me she was not in her right mind, causing me to step back.

“You’re not in your right mind. I think you should sleep this off. When you sober up, you’ll probably regret this whole conversation.”

Her hold on my shaft tightened instead of letting it go. Mia pushed me against the wall and dropped to her knees. “I’m not that drunk.”

The air whooshed out of my lungs as her warm mouth wrapped around my cockhead. It was unlike anything I could have imagined. When her head bobbed, coupled with the perfect amount of suction, I nearly passed out from the sensation.

I bucked against her as my hand wound the ponytail around my wrist, so I could hold her in place as she worked me like a magician. The sound of her lips smacking against my dick made me harden more—something I didn’t think was possible. I jerked her head back, pulling her off my crown, not wanting to finish in her throat.

“I don’t want to come in your mouth.” No longer caring whether this was the right thing to do, I lifted her feet off the floor and carried her toward the bed. Our mouths met in a frenzy as we toppled to the mattress. “You’re sure you want this, Mia?”

“Yes.” Her fingers tugged at the cotton fabric, urging me to strip it off. “Clothes off now.”

Standing, I shed my shirt and pants like a chameleon sheds his skin. Mia wiggled out of her work clothes, revealing a sexy lace bra and matching thong.

“Fuck, gorgeous, if I’d known you had this hiding under your clothes, I would have buried myself inside you earlier.” The electric energy filled the room as I reached down and brushed my palm across the see-through material. “As nice as these are, I need them gone.” The material ripped with ease as I tore them from her center. “Please tell me you have a condom.”

Mia rolled over and jerked open the drawer. Leaning up on her knees, she ripped the foil packet with her teeth and beckoned me forward with the crook of her finger. My dick twitched beneath her touch as she rolled the barrier over my shaft with precision. I didn’t want to think about why this woman was so good at covering a man in a rubber. The possessive feeling associated with it was not something I wanted to deal with—especially not when she laid on her back and spread her legs.

Seeing her glistening pink pussy made me want to take my time with her—but that’s not what this was. This was just sex. At least that’s the mantra I kept telling myself as I buried myself inside her. Our bodies rocked in a rhythm that was almost perfect as we raced toward our release.

When her walls tightened around me in a vise grip, I shattered right along with her. The force threatened to burst the condom as I spilled myself inside her, my body jerking with uncontrollable movements. I’d never experienced a release quite so explosive. When our breathing finally slowed, I pressed my lips to hers, the sound of my heart drumming wildly against my ribs as I claimed her mouth again. Overwhelmed with the bizarre feelings this woman was creating inside me, I pulled out and retreated to the bathroom.

Stripping the used condom off my flaccid dick, I tossed it into the wastebasket and decided it was time to go. When I stepped back into the bedroom, I smiled at the sexy sight of her passed out and curled into a ball on the bed. I tugged the covers over her sleeping frame, then kissed her shoulder. Pulling on my pants, I fisted the wet shirt in my hand and started out the door. Glancing at her one last time, I forced myself to pull the bedroom door closed and walk away.

If I was lucky, Mia wouldn’t remember this tomorrow—although the alpha in me wanted her to. She’d shared a lot of things with me… things that could destroy her case. Things I should share with Michael and my brothers.

The question was—did I want to tell them so we could use it against her?

My mind wandered back to Michael, and a pang of guilt riddled my system. To Mia, what we’d just shared was just sex. But even thinking about her body wrapped around mine, I couldn’t deny I wished it could’ve been something more.

I hurried through the house, ensuring it was locked up tight. My heart tightened in my chest as I made my way to my car. I was quite sure I was fucked, no matter what I did.

Not even sure why I was doing it, I found myself driving toward Michael’s house. Even after I’d fucked Mia, Michael was at the forefront of my thoughts.

God, I was fucked up.

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